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How have the Euros impacted June’s sales?

by | Jul 4, 2024 | Sales Figures

Like for like sales were pushed up 3.3% in June, the latest sales data from S4labour reveals.  

The data showed an upswing of 6% year-on-year in London, whilst sites outside the capital were up 2.7%, marking a minimal uplift for operators across the country.  

June saw England’s first three Euro games kick off, along with good weather, which helped encourage sales slightly throughout the month. Both wet and dry-led sites did see some benefit of the football, with sales up 3.7% and 3.1% respectively.  

Chief Growth Officer at S4labour, Richard Hartley, added: “The impact of the football and warm weather was much softer than operators would have hoped and expected. While dining out often takes a hit during key sporting events, it would appear that neither food, nor drink-focused venues have been able to fully maximise. However, with the team’s win on Sunday (30th June) securing England a spot in the quarter finals, operators will be hoping to see more games (and hopefully celebrations) throughout July to really boost sales this summer.”