CRM Partner


About Airship

Airship drives loyalty, engagement and retention through data. Hospitality businesses simply plug in their other tech providers, which enables Airship to build a single customer view for all their operational needs. 

Airship Teams

Their email and SMS builder allows you to update your teams on news in your world.

Use our platform to say hello, say goodbye, wish them a happy birthday, thank them for a year of hard work…pretty much whatever you like.

Key Features

Centralise your data. Send tailored emails. Drive visit frequency.


You’ve got data flying around all over the place. We integrate with shed loads of hospitality platforms to bring it into one place to make life easier, and your marketing more powerful.


We’ve developed a pretty ground breaking technology that tells you how often, where and when your guests have visited. More than that, you can trigger emails based on this information. It’s sensational, and we call it PoP (Proof of Presence).


The clue is in the name: good Customer Relationship Management is all about RELATIONSHIPS- a two way thing. Airship allows you to tell your guests all about who you are, and provides ways for you to get to know them.


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