Hospitality like-for-likes were down 5.5% last week when compared to the same week in 2019. 

The majority of the decline was driven by a 17% decrease in drink like-for-likes. However, food sales were up by 11%. 

As for week-on-week sales, S4labour’s research shows a small 1% overall increase on the previous week. However, London and non-London revealed differences; something that has often been the case. London’s week-on-weeks were level, whilst non-London sites saw a week-on-week increase of 1.4%. 

Richard Hartley, S4labour’s Chief Innovation Officer, stated: “These figures continue to reinforce the picture we’ve been seeing: food operators, mainly outside of London, are continuing to do well — whilst many drink focused operators are struggling. Tourist trade may help food focused sites in London; whereas wet-led sites are continuing to experience reduced footfall in the Capital. 

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