Case Study
Nisa Retailer Rav Garcha has complete visibility of costs with S4labour
Company: Nisa
Business Type: Convenience Store
Date: Feb 2023
Retailer Rav Garcha operates 4 convenience stores across the West Midlands. During busy seasons, the total number of employees in the business can reach 35, so keeping on top of all aspects of managing labour across the sites is critical.
Before using S4labour, Rav relied on Google Sheets to rota staff and see what the week looked like, and scraps of paper to track holidays and sickness.
“We didn’t really have a structure for that. At the time, we didn’t think we had a problem because we weren’t aware of a solution that would encompass everything.”
S4labour was the solution that brought everything together, with visibility of multiple sites and the right data in one place to help make the best scheduling decisions.
“S4labour encompassed everything – you could have visibility, you could have multiple sites, you could have all the data in one place.”
Rav and his teams received two forms of training to learn how to use the S4labour software and implement the best practice habits on a daily basis: “We had online training and physical training that helped us understand what the solution was and how best to use it. Once we were up and running, any questions and problems were all handled by our account manager.”
S4labour allows Rav to see rota costs upfront, including holiday and sick pay. This means that there are no surprises in payroll, and his team is paid accurately and on time. Visibility of sales also means that Rav can plan around forecasted sales, so he isn’t overspending on his labour. Overall, the solution helps Rav to save time and money managing rotas, people and payroll across all of his sites.
“I think clarity is a big benefit, I think seeing what all the numbers actually are and how to plan according to sales, that’s really beneficial.”
Time spent on admin tasks has also been reduced, with all employee documents and data stored digitally.
“So overall I think we have targeted 3 things with S4labour. Firstly, it’s a technological solution that brings us forward within our business, secondly and the biggy, is efficiency and finally, the technology has helped us invest in people.”